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1. Investigation of the Effects of Various Time-Frequency Representations on EEG-Based Motor Imaginary Task Classification
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2023-TDR-FEBE-0002).
My role in this project is principal investigator.


9. Implementation of Research Laboratory Centre in Izmir Katip Celebi University
Supported by The State Planning Organization of the Ministry of Development of Turkish Republic.
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Galip Akhan (rector) from Izmir Katip Celebi University.

8. Design of Expert Systems Using Surface EMG Signal for Movements of Multi-Function Prosthetic Hand
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2013N049).
My role in this project is principal investigator.

7. Designing and Producing a Medical Device for Observation of Soft Tissue Ultrasound Imaging
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2013N041).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Hakan Oflaz from Izmir Katip University.

6. Design and Implementation Robust Chaotic Mixer and Manipulator Provided Energy Efficient
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2013N002).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Savas Sahin from Izmir Katip Celebi University.

5. Installation of a Photovoltaic Energy System for Educational Purposes
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Ege University (2013.EMYO.001).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Mustafa Berkant Selek from Ege University.

4. Development of a system that will automatically classify from ECG records different types of arrhythmias
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Dokuz Eylul University (07.KB.FEN.020).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Mehmet Kuntalp from Dokuz Eylul University.
The automatic recognition of the arrhythmias from an electrocardiographic (ECG) record has been a very important subject. This is due to the fact that the accurate recognition and classification of the various types of arrhythmias is essential for the correct treatment of the patient. Various algorithms for the automatic detection of ECG beats have been developed by different investigators for this purpose. These researchers used different features and classification methods. Despite all these developments, there are still rooms for improvement in this area. A major problem challenging todays automatic arrhythmia classification systems is the considerable variations in the morphologies of ECG waveforms among different patients. Therefore, an ECG beat classifier performing well for a given training database could easily fail when confronted with a different patient''s ECG signal. Because of this reason, the performance of the arrhythmia classification systems degrades when the number of arrhythmias to be classified is increased. This seems to be a major hurdle that prevents highly reliable, fully automated arrhythmia classification systems to be widely used clinically. We hope that the results and conclusions that will be obtained at the end of the proposed project will make a significant contribution to universal research arena. Besides, the results will be valuable to cardiologists who work with arrhythmias. In addition, because the software, which is implemented as a result of this project, is ease-to-use by all cardiologists using ECG records, the system will be adapted easily even in sub-urban areas. Finally, we also expect that this project will have positive implications in the education arena in the Dokuz Eylul University.

3. Designing and Implementing Multi-Level DC-AC Invertor for Renewable Energy Systems
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Ege University (2007.EMYO.001).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Mustafe Berkant Selek from Ege University.
Gunes Enerjisi, Ruzgar Enerjisi, Hidrojen yakit pilleri vb. yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarindan uretilen enerjinin, elektrik tesislerinde kullanimi ile ilgili, farkli kaynaklarda uretilen dogru akimin (DC), alternatif akima (AC) donusturulmesi amaciyla, bir multi-level DC-AC donusturucu (invertor) tasarimi gerceklestirilecek. Tasarlanacak invertorun sebekeye bagli calismasi ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklari ile uretilen enerjiyi sebekeye vermesi; yani sebeke ile senkron calismasi planlanmaktadir.

2. Prediction of Sudden Death Risk by Using ECG Records
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Dokuz Eylul University (03.KB.FEN.011).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Mehmet Kuntalp from Dokuz Eylul University.
There are two important innovations to be broght by this project. First is the development of a new algorithm based on HOS, which will be used to predict whether a person who has had a hearth attack carries a risk of sudden cardiac death. This algorithm is expected to produce more accurate results than the classical techniques. As a result of this, it will be possible to prevent many patients from dying due to this disease by early detection. During the literature search on that concept, no ECG application using this technique has been encountered.
The second improvement of this project is that it will provide the physicians with the ability to access and modify their patient records from remote locations; i.e. another city or even country using Internet. In Turkey, no software has been put into use in similar clinical applications yet. If this project is completed successfuly and put into wide use, not only the workload of hospitals will be declined, but also examining patients in suburban areas by expert doctors without spending extra time will be possible.

1. Installation of Biomedical Laboratuary
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Dokuz Eylul University (03.KB.FEN.010).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Mehmet Kuntalp from Dokuz Eylul University.
By the 21st century, the engineers who want to work in biomedical industry must be much more sophisticated, must have a view over cross-disciplines, and must be able to communicate effectively with the other staff in this industry. It is obvious that the engineers who will try to recognize and solve the problems in the biomedical industry need not only theoritical education but also practical education. Such practical experience could be achieved in a laboratuary where it would be possible to analyse al the basic aspects of biomedical engineering. In such a laboratory, the students interested in biomedical engineers will have many experinces in various opportunities such as producing simple medical devices, designing systems for acquiring medical data from humans, and developing efficient algorithmic methods for processing the acquired physiological signals. Moreover, academic staff and other students in our department can also make use of this laboratory for their own research projects. In short, the innovations of this project can be summarized as below: