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7. Development of a Dual Task Assessment and Rehabilitation System and Investigation of its Effectiveness in Individuals with Parkinson's
Supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK-1001 Program 124S510).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Fatih Ozden from Mugla Sitki Kocman University.
Budget: 1,860,800.00TL, 15.11.2024 - 15.11.2027.
6. Design and Development of SSVEP-fNIRS Based Brain-Computer Interface Controlled Wrist Rehabilitation Robot
Supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK-3501 Program 123E456).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Ebru Sayilgan from Izmir Ekonomi University.
Budget: 750,000.00TL, 01.03.2024 - 01.09.2026.
5. Development of a Multichannel EMG-Based Bionic Hand Prosthesis Prototype
Supported by Health Institutes of Türkiye (TÜSEB-C Group 32792).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Figen Gokmen from Ege University.
Budget: 3,640,000.00TL, 14.04.2023 - 14.04.2026.
4. Effects of Different Rapid Maxillary Expansion Appliances on the Craniofacial Skeleton: Finite Element Analysis
Supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK-1002 Program 224M382).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Samet Ciklacandir from Izmir Katip University.
Budget: 59,650.00TL, 15.11.2024 - 15.05.2025.
3. Performance Analysis of Machine Learning for Predicting Ionic Liquid Toxicity
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2024-TDR-FEBE-0024).
My role in this project is principal investigator.
Budget: 99,600.00TL, 09.11.2024 - 09.05.2025.
2. 3D LIDAR Based Fall Detection System
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2024-TDR-FEBE-0023).
My role in this project is principal investigator.
Budget: 99,000.00TL, 10.10.2024 - 10.04.2025.
1. Use of Manifold Learning Methods and Principal Component Analysis in Various Physiological Signals
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2024-TDR-FEBE-0020).
My role in this project is principal investigator.
Budget: 100,000.00TL, 10.10.2024 - 10.04.2025.
14. Developing a Short Message And Clock Information System for Visually Imparied Persons by Considering Privacy Issues
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2023-TYL-FEBE-0013).
My role in this project is principal investigator.
Budget: 14,750.00TL, 30.05.2023 - 30.05.2024.
13. Investigation of the Effects of Various Time-Frequency Representations on EEG-Based Motor Imaginary Task Classification
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2023-TDR-FEBE-0002).
My role in this project is principal investigator.
Budget: 23,361.64TL, 20.03.2023 - 20.03.2024.
12. 3D Finite Element Analysis of the Effects of Different Rapid Maxillary Expansion Appliances on the Craniofacial Skeleton
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2023-TDR-FEBE-0005).
My role in this project is principal investigator.
Budget: 49,912.82TL, 30.05.2023 - 30.11.2023.
11. Designing and Producing a Medical Device for Observation of Soft Tissue Ultrasound Imaging
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2020-TYL-FEBE-0005).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Nermin Topaloglu Avsar from Izmir Katip University.
Budget: 4,999.66TL, 25.09.2020 - 25.03.2022.
10. Toe Design with Mechanical Brake for Lower Extremity Prostheses
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2017-TYL-FEBE-0047).
My role in this project is principal investigator.
Budget: 4,999.24TL, 07.07.2017 - 07.04.2018.
9. Holonomic Versatile Wheelchair with EOG Control
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2016-TYL-FEBE-0027).
My role in this project is principal investigator.
Budget: 4,991.40TL, 22.02.2016 - 22.07.2017.
8. Hearing Aid Design Integrated into Different Sources
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2016-TYL-FEBE-0031).
My role in this project is principal investigator.
Budget: 4,999.66TL, 25.04.2016 - 25.10.2016.
7. Chaotic System Based Robust Delta Robot Liquid Mixer Design and Implementation
Supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK-3001 Program 114E432).
My role in this project is advisor and the principal investigator is Savas Sahin from Izmir Katip Celebi University.
Budget: 30,000.00TL, 01.10.2014 - 01.10.2016.
6. Design of Expert Systems Using Surface EMG Signal for Movements of Multi-Function Prosthetic Hand
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Izmir Katip Celebi University (2013-2-FMBP-49).
My role in this project is principal investigator.
Budget: 11,961.77TL, 30.07.2013 - 30.07.2015.
5. Chaotic System Based Robust Delta Robot Liquid Mixer Design and Implementation
Supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK-1505 Program 114E432).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Cuneyt Guzelis from Yasar University.
Budget: 56,000.00TL, 01.11.2013 - 30.04.2015.
4. Designing and Implementing Multi-Level DC-AC Invertor for Renewable Energy Systems
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Ege University (2007.EMYO.001).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Mustafa Berkant Selek from Ege University.
Budget: 2,450.00TL, 21.05.2007 - 03.06.2010.
3. Development of a system that will automatically classify from ECG records different types of arrhythmias
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Dokuz Eylul University (07.KB.FEN.020).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Mehmet Kuntalp from Dokuz Eylul University.
Budget: 24,160.00TL, 08.11.2007 - 08.11.2009.
2. Prediction of Sudden Death Risk by Using ECG Records
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Dokuz Eylul University (03.KB.FEN.011).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Mehmet Kuntalp from Dokuz Eylul University.
Budget: 8,500.00TL, 12.05.2003 - 12.05.2006.
1. Installation of Biomedical Laboratuary
Supported by Scientific Projects Council of Dokuz Eylul University (03.KB.FEN.010).
My role in this project is researcher and the principal investigator is Mehmet Kuntalp from Dokuz Eylul University.
Budget: 21,000.00TL, 12.05.2003 - 12.05.2006.