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National Proceedings
- 91. S. Meda, S. Sadaghiyanfam, A. Feta, D. Rahmani, F. Kamberi, M. Sino, Y. Isler, and H. Kamberaj,
Topological Data Analysis of Protein Structure Dynamics Manifolds: A Machine Learning Viewpoint,
International Workshop on the Usage of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Environment and Health, December 13, Iskenderun/Hatay/Turkey, 2024.
- 90. S. Sadaghiyanfam, H. Kamberaj, and Y. Isler,
Interactive graphical user interface for quantum mechanics simulations with PySCF,
International Workshop on the Usage of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Environment and Health, December 13, Iskenderun/Hatay/Turkey, 2024.
- 89. S. Sezgin, and Y. Isler,
LiDAR-Based Fall Detection,
4th International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies (ISSRIS 2024), Abstract Book, p. 570, March 13-16, Bandirma/Turkey, 2024.
- 88. F. Emrem, I. Kaya, and Y. Isler,
Privacy-Focused Short Message Application For Visually Impaired Individuals,
4th International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies (ISSRIS 2024), Abstract Book, p. 569, March 13-16, Bandirma/Turkey, 2024.
- 87. S. Ciklacandir, S. Ozkan, and Y. Isler,
A Comparison of the Performances of Video-Based and IMU Sensor-Based Motion Capture Systems on Joint Angles,
13. Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları Konferansı (ASYU'2022), Antalya / Turkey, 07-09 September 2022. DOI
- 86. S. Ciklacandir, S. Culha, and Y. Isler,
Design of a Real-Time Tracking System to Eliminate 3D Printing Errors Caused by Thermoplastic Materials,
5th International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2022), Abstract Book, Gaziantep / Turkey, 06-07 June 2022.
- 85. S. Ciklacandir, G. Gokce Kara, and Y. Isler,
Investigation of Different Miniscrew Head Designs by Finite Element Analysis,
5th International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2022), Abstract Book, Gaziantep / Turkey, 06-07 June 2022.
- 84. B. Yesilkaya, S.S. Egeli, M. Perc, and Y. Isler,
The Effect of Principal Component Analysis on Various Machine Learning Algorithms in the Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer,
5th International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2022), Abstract Book, Gaziantep / Turkey, 06-07 June 2022.
- 83. M. Degirmenci, Y.K. Yuce, and Y. Isler,
Classification of Multi-Class Motor Imaginary Tasks using Poincare Measurements Extracted from EEG Signals,
5th International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2022), Abstract Book, Gaziantep / Turkey, 06-07 June 2022.
- 82. M. Degirmenci, Y.K. Yuce, and Y. Isler,
Motor Imaginary Task Classification using Statistically Significant Time Domain and Frequency Domain EEG Features,
5th International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2022), Abstract Book, Gaziantep / Turkey, 06-07 June 2022.
- 81. A. Sarpay, and Y. Isler,
Design of a Tele-Physiotherapy Device to Remedy Elbow Joint,
5th International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2022), Abstract Book, Gaziantep / Turkey, 06-07 June 2022.
- 80. O. Arslan, and Y. Isler,
Development of Personal Trainer Device for Exercise and Rehabilitation Tracking,
5th International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2022), Abstract Book, Gaziantep / Turkey, 06-07 June 2022.
- 79. S. Ciklacandir, O. Telli, and Y. Isler,
Üç Boyutlu Yazıcılarda Baskı Sorunlarını Algılayan Gerçek Zamanlı Sistem (Real-Time Detection System for Printing Problems of Three-Dimensional Printers),
IEEE 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU2022), Safranbolu / Turkey, 16-18 May 2022, DOI.
- 78. M. Degirmenci, Y.K. Yuce, and Y. Isler,
İstatistiksel Olarak Anlamlı EEG Zaman Alanı Öznitelikleri ile Motor Hayali Görev Sınıflandırılması (Motor Imaginary Task Classification Using Statistically Significant Time-Domain EEG Features),
IEEE 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU2022), Safranbolu / Turkey, 16-18 May 2022, DOI.
- 77. B. Yesilkaya, S.S. Egeli, and Y. Isler,
Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer using Conventional Machine Learning Methods,
ICAII4.0 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence towards Industry 4.0, Book of Proceedings, 9, Iskenderun / Turkey, 11-12 November 2021.
- 76. E. Sayilgan, Y.K.Yuce, and Y. Isler,
Investigation of Classifier Performances with respect to the Difference of Flickering Frequencies of User Commands in Brain-Computer Interfaces,
ICAII4.0 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence towards Industry 4.0, Book of Proceedings, 12, Iskenderun / Turkey, 11-12 November 2021.
- 75. S.S. Egeli, and Y. Isler,
Determining the Relation Between the Count Number and X-ray Energy Level in Pyroelectric Materials using Linear Regression Analysis,
4th International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2021), Abstract Book, 29, Gaziantep / Turkey, 10-12 June 2021.
- 74. M. Degirmenci, E. Sayilgan, and Y. Isler,
Evaluation of Wigner-Ville Distribution Features to Estimate Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials' Stimulation Frequency,
4th International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2021), Abstract Book, 27, Gaziantep / Turkey, 10-12 June 2021.
- 73. B. Yasar, Y. Isler, and N. Topaloglu Avsar,
Manufacturing Multicolor LED-Based Phototherapy Device with a Novel 3D Design,
4th International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2021), Abstract Book, 22, Gaziantep / Turkey, 10-12 June 2021.
- 72. E. Sayilgan, Y.K. Yuce, and Y. Isler,
Frequency Recognition from Temporal and Frequency Depth of the Brain-Computer Interface based on Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials,
4th International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2021), Abstract Book, 13, Gaziantep / Turkey, 10-12 June 2021.
- 71. G. Arslan, Y. Tokem, and Y. Isler,
Virtual Reality Applications in Nursing,
ICAII4.0 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence towards Industry 4.0, Proceedings, 26, Izmir / Turkey, 12-14 November 2020.
- 70. M.B. Selek, S.S. Egeli, and Y. Isler,
Patient Survival Prediction with Machine Learning Algorithms,
ICAII4.0 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence towards Industry 4.0, Proceedings, 24, Izmir / Turkey, 12-14 November 2020.
- 69. S.S. Egeli, and Y. Isler,
Mini Review on Dental Imaging Devices and Use of Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry,
ICAII4.0 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence towards Industry 4.0, Proceedings, 12, Izmir / Turkey, 12-14 November 2020.
- 68. S. Ciklacandir, and Y. Isler,
Portable Epilepsy Seizure Warning and Emergency Response Armband Design,
3rd International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2020), Abstract Book, 7, Adrasan - Antalya / Turkey, 28-29 September 2020.
- 67. S.S. Egeli, and Y. Isler,
Development of Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for Early Diagnosis of Sepsis Disease,
3rd International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2020), Abstract Book, 9, Adrasan - Antalya / Turkey, 28-29 September 2020.
- 66. E. Cancioglu, S. Sahin, and Y. Isler,
Heart Sounds Analysis and Classification Based on Long-Short Term Memory,
3rd International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2020), Abstract Book, 10, Adrasan - Antalya / Turkey, 28-29 September 2020.
- 65. S. Pehlivan, and Y. Isler,
Detection of Heart Disease Risk Utilizing Correlation Matrix, Random Forest and Permutation Feature Importance Approaches,
3rd International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2020), Abstract Book, 11, Adrasan - Antalya / Turkey, 28-29 September 2020.
- 64. M.B. Selek, V.A. Uzal, and Y. Isler,
Arduino Based Probe Bag Alert System Design,
3rd International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2020), Abstract Book, 21, Adrasan - Antalya / Turkey, 28-29 September 2020.
- 63. M.B. Selek, U.A. Ciftciogullari, Y.K. Yuce, and Y. Isler,
Developing An Educational Mobile Game To Provide Diabetes-Awareness Among Children,
3rd International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2020), Abstract Book, 22-23, Adrasan - Antalya / Turkey, 28-29 September 2020.
- 62. M.B. Selek, M.C. Duyar, and Y. Isler,
Electronic Stethoscope Design,
3rd International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2020), Abstract Book, 24-25, Adrasan - Antalya / Turkey, 28-29 September 2020.
- 61. M.B. Selek, B. Imamoglu, M.C. Yildirim, and Y. Isler,
Eog-Based Device Control Interface for Patients with Quadriplegia,
3rd International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2020), Abstract Book, 26, Adrasan - Antalya / Turkey, 28-29 September 2020.
- 60. M.B. Selek, A. Solmaz, E. Cetintas, K. Ugur, and Y. Isler,
Design of 3D Digitization Integrated Robotic Arm to Help Clinical Applications,
3rd International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2020), Abstract Book, 27-28, Adrasan - Antalya / Turkey, 28-29 September 2020.
- 59. M.B. Selek, A. Onder, and Y. Isler,
IoT Supported Pill Dispenser for Patients with Dementia,
3rd International Conference on Medical Devices (ICMD'2020), Abstract Book, 29, Adrasan - Antalya / Turkey, 28-29 September 2020.
- 58. W.M. Khail, G. Bombar, E. Eris Duman, and Y. Isler,
Statistical Analysis of Monthly and Annual Precipitation and Monthly Mean Air Temperature in Black Sea (Turkey),
4th International Students Science Congress, Proceedings Book, 188-192, Izmir, Turkey, 18-19 September 2020.
- 57. R. Uzun Arslan, G.K. Yaman, and Y. Isler,
Classification Hand Gestures in Packman Game Using Multilayer Sensor Neural Network,
4th International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Engineering and Natural Sciences (ISAS WINTER-2019), Samsun/Turkey, 22-24 November 2019.
- 56. Y. Isler, and O. Isler,
EMG Controlled 3D Printed Bionic Hand ,
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence towards Industry 4.0 (ICAII4.0), Conference Proceedings Book (ISBN: 978-605-68970-3-0), 374-379, Iskenderun / Hatay / Turkey, 14-16 November 2019.
- 55. E. Sayilgan, Y.K. Yuce, and Y. Isler,
Discriminating the Gaze among Five Boxes from EEG Signals using Machine Learning,
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence towards Industry 4.0 (ICAII4.0), Conference Proceedings Book (ISBN: 9978-605-68970-3-0), 391-398, Iskenderun / Hatay / Turkey, 14-16 November 2019.
- 54. E. Sayilgan, Y.K. Yuce, and Y. Isler,
Prediction of Evoking Frequency from Steady-State Visual Evoked Frequency,
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence towards Industry 4.0 (ICAII4.0), Conference Proceedings Book (ISBN: 978-605-68970-3-0), 366-373, Iskenderun / Hatay / Turkey, 14-16 November 2019.
- 53. E. Sayilgan, Y.K. Yuce, and Y. Isler,
Makine Öğrenmesi Kullanılarak EEG Sinyallerinden El Hareketlerinin Sınıflandırılması (Classification of Hand Movements from EEG Signals using Machine Learning),
Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları 2019 Konferansı (ASYU-2019), Izmir / Turkey, 31 October-2 November 2019.
- 52. Y. Isler, L.T. Olcuoglu, and M. Yeniad,
Data Security and Privacy Issues of Implantable Medical Devices,
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence towards Industry 4.0 (ICAII4.0), Conference Abstracts Book (ISBN: 978-605-68970-0-9), 28, Iskenderun / Hatay / Turkey, 15-17 November 2018, INVITED PAPER.
- 51. Y. Isler and O.D. Cagatay,
Elektrokardiyografi Sinyallerinin Gerçek Zamanlı Kaydı İçin Ardunio Eklentisi Tasarımı (Design of Arduino Shield to Record Real-Time Electrocardiography Signals) ,
6th International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering Science (ISITES-2018), 413-418, Alanya / Antalya / Turkey, 9-11 November 2018. PDF.
- 50. R. Uzun, Y. Isler, I. Senyer Yapici, O. Ayar, O. Erkaymaz,
Dalgacık Tabanlı Temel Bilȩsen Analizi ile Elektroretinogram Sinyallerinde Gürültü Bastırılması (Noise Reduction in Electroretinogram Signals using Wavelet-Based Principle Component Analysis),
2nd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT-2018), Ankara / Turkey, , 19-21 October 2018.
- 49. A. Narin, Y. Isler, and M. Ozer,
Genetik Algoritma ile Öznitelik Seçiminin PAF Atağı Erken Kestirim Performansına Etkisi (Effect of Feature Selection by Genetic Algorithm on Early Prediction Performance of PAF Attack) ,
Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları 2018 Konferansı (ASYU-2018), Adana / Turkey, 4-6 October 2018. PDF.
- 48. R. Uzun, Y. Isler, and M. Toksan,
Siğil Tedavi Yöntemlerinin Başarısının Tahmininde Destek Vektör Makineleri Kullanımı (Use of Support Vector Machines to Predict the Success of Wart Treatment Methods) ,
Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları 2018 Konferansı (ASYU-2018), Adana / Turkey, 4-6 October 2018. PDF.
- 47. R. Uzun, Y. Isler, and M. Toksan,
Naive Bayes ve En Yakın k Komşu Sınıflandırıcıları ile Siğil Tedavi Yöntemi Seçimi (Choose of Wart Treatment Method Using Naive Bayes and k-Nearest Neighbors Classifiers),
IEEE 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU2018), Izmir / Turkey, 2-5 May 2018. PDF.
- 46. S. Ciklacandir, E. Sayilgan, and Y. Isler,
Lazer ile Medikal Uygulamalarda Yeni Mekanizma Tasarımı (Design of a New Mechanism in Medical Applications With Laser),
IEEE 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU2018), Izmir / Turkey, 2-5 May 2018. PDF.
- 45. R. Uzun, Y. Isler, O. Erkaymaz, and Y. Kocadayi,
Adaptif Sinirsel Bulanık Çıkarım Sistemi ile Omurga Rahatsızlığının Bilgisayar Destekli Teşhisi (Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Vertebral Column Diseases by Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System),
IEEE 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU2018), Izmir / Turkey, 2-5 May 2018. PDF.
- 44. R. Uzun, G.K. Yaman, A. Tekkanat, and Y. Isler,
Görme Engellilere Yardımcı Bileklik Tasarımı (Wristband Design to Support Blind People),
Tıp Teknolojileri Kongresi 2017 (TIPTEKNO-2017), October 12-14, Trabzon/Turkey,
Bildiriler Kitabi, 448-451, 2017.
- 43. E. Sayilgan and Y. Isler,
Medikal Endüstri 4.0 ile Tıbbi Cihaz Sektörü (Medical Devices Sector in Medical Industry 4.0),
Tıp Teknolojileri Kongresi 2017 (TIPTEKNO-2017), October 12-14, Trabzon/Turkey,
Bildiriler Kitabi, 368-371, 2017.
- 42. S. Ciklacandir and Y. Isler,
Üst Ekstremitenin Eğlence Tabanlı Rehabilitasyonu İçin Sistem Tasarımı (System Design for Entertainment Based Rehabilitation of the Upper Extremity),
Tıp Teknolojileri Kongresi 2017 (TIPTEKNO-2017), October 12-14, Trabzon/Turkey,
Bildiriler Kitabi, 364-367, 2017.
- 41. M.A. Dincer, H. Eser, and Y. Isler,
Akıllı Sistem Uygulamaları İçin DC Motor Kontrolü Deney Seti Düzeneği Hazırlanması (Implementation of DC Motor Control Experimental Setup Platform for Intelligent System Applications),
Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları 2017 Konferansı (ASYU-2017), October 5-7, Alanya-Antalya/Turkey,
Bildiri Ozetleri Kitabi (ISBN: 978-608-65137-5-7), 87, 2017.
- 40. A. Narin, Y. Isler, and M. Ozer,
Paroksismal Atriyal Fibrilasyon Atağının Dalgacık Dönüşüm Yöntemleriyle Erken Tahmini (Early Prediction of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation using Wavelet Transform Methods),
Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları 2017 Konferansı (ASYU-2017), October 5-7, Alanya-Antalya/Turkey,
Bildiri Ozetleri Kitabi (ISBN: 978-608-65137-5-7), 85, 2017.
- 39. H. Eser, M.A. Dincer, and Y. Isler,
Kablosuz Uzaktan Kontrol İçin Platform Geliştirilmesi (Plant Implementation for Wireless Remote Control),
Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları 2017 Konferansı (ASYU-2017), October 5-7, Alanya-Antalya/Turkey,
Bildiri Ozetleri Kitabi (ISBN: 978-608-65137-5-7), 73, 2017.
- 38. Y. Isler, Y.H. Usta, Y. Celik, and M. Ghosheh,
3B Yazıcıdan Üretilen 3 Kancalı Miyoelektrik El Protezinin sMEG Sinyalleri ile Kontrol Edilmesi (The Control of 3D Printed 3 Hooked Myoelectric Hand Prosthesis with sMEG Signals),
Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları 2017 Konferansı (ASYU-2017), October 5-7, Alanya-Antalya/Turkey,
Bildiri Ozetleri Kitabi (ISBN: 978-608-65137-5-7), 46, 2017.
- 37. E.H. Ozciftci and Y. Isler,
Diyabetli Birey İzlem Sistemi (Monitoring System for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus),
Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları 2017 Konferansı (ASYU-2017), October 5-7, Alanya-Antalya/Turkey,
Bildiri Ozetleri Kitabi (ISBN: 978-608-65137-5-7), 45, 2017.
- 36. Y. Isler,
Çok Fonksiyonlu Protez El Hareketleri İçin Yüzey EMG Sinyali Tabanlı Uzman Sistem Tasarımı (Design of Expert Systems Using Surface EMG Signal for Movements of Multi-Function Prosthetic Hand),
Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları 2017 Konferansı (ASYU-2017), October 5-7, Alanya-Antalya/Turkey,
Bildiri Ozetleri Kitabi (ISBN: 978-608-65137-5-7), 36, 2017.
- 35. M. Ghosheh, Y.H. Usta, O. Karaman, and Y. Isler,
Development of Innovative Custom Design Bioprinter,
Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı (BİYOMUT2016), Izmir / Turkey, 3-5 November 2016. PDF
- 34. A. Narin, Y. Isler, and M. Ozer,
Paroksismal Atriyal Fibrilasyon Atağının Önceden Kestirimine Ektopik Vuruların Etkisi,
Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı (BİYOMUT2016), Izmir / Turkey, 185-189, 3-5 November 2016.
- 33. O. Karabiber and Y. Isler,
Arduino Lilypad Kullanılarak Elektrodermal Aktivite Kayıt Sisteminin Tasarlanması,
Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı (BİYOMUT2016), Izmir / Turkey, 87-90, 3-5 November 2016.
- 32. O. Karabiber and Y. Isler,
Lineer Regresyon Yöntemi Kullanılarak İnsüline Bağımlı Diyabetik Çocuklarda C-Peptit Konsantrasyonunun Asit Seviyesi ve Yaşa Bağlı Tespiti,
Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı (BİYOMUT2016), Izmir / Turkey, 344-347, 3-5 November 2016.
- 31. A. Narin, Y. Isler, and M. Ozer,
Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği Frekans Alanı Ölçümleri ile Paroksismal Atriyal Fibrilasyon Atağının Önceden Kestirimi,
Tıp Teknolojileri Ulusal Kongresi (TIPTEKNO2016), Antalya / Turkey, 26-29, 27-29 October 2016.
- 30. Y.H. Usta, M. Ghosheh, and Y. Isler,
El Protezlerinde Kullanılan Yüzey EMG Elektrotları ile Kuvvet Sensörlerinin Karşılaştırılması,
Tıp Teknolojileri Ulusal Kongresi (TIPTEKNO2016), Antalya / Turkey, 429-432, 27-29 October 2016.
- 29. Y. Isler and Y.O. Uzun,
Farklı Kaynaklara Entegre İşitme Testi Cihazı Tasarımı,
Tıp Teknolojileri Ulusal Kongresi (TIPTEKNO2016), Antalya / Turkey, 38-41, 27-29 October 2016.
- 28. O. Karabiber and Y. Isler,
Kas Hareketleri ve Cinsiyetin Elektodermal Aktivite Üzerine Etkileri,
Tıp Teknolojileri Ulusal Kongresi (TIPTEKNO2016), Antalya / Turkey, 213-216, 27-29 October 2016.
- 27. Y. Isler and O. Karabiber,
Lineer Regresyon Yöntemi İle Hormon Değerlerine Göre Menstrual Döngü Gününün Tespiti,
Tıp Teknolojileri Ulusal Kongresi (TIPTEKNO2016), Antalya / Turkey, 409-412, 27-29 October 2016.
- 26. B. Yıldız, A. Oseku, and Y. Isler,
Otomatik Pozisyon ve Balans Kontrolü,
Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları Sempozyumu (ASYU2016), Düzce / Turkey, 29 September-01 October 2016.
- 25. A. Narin, Y. Isler, M. Ozer, and O. Erkaymaz,
Konjestif Kalp Yetmezliği Rahatsızlığının Yapay Sinir Ağları ve Bulanık Yapay Sinir Ağları ile Teşhisi,
Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları (ASYU2014), Izmir / Turkey, 9-10 October 2014.
- 24. A. Narin, Y. Isler, and M. Ozer,
Konjestif Kalp Yetmezliği Teşhisinde Kullanılan Çapraz Doğrulama Yöntemlerinin Sınıflandırıcı Performanslarının Belirlenmesine Olan Etkilerinin Karşılaştırılması,
Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları (ASYU2014), Izmir / Turkey, 9-10 October 2014.
- 23. A. Narin, Y. Isler, and M. Ozer,
Konjestif Kalp Yetmezliğinin Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği Analizi ile Teşhisinde Sınıflandırıcı Başarımlarının Karşılaştırılması (Comparison of Classifier Performances in Diagnosing Congestive Heart Failure Using Heart Rate Variability),
IEEE 21th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU2013), Girne / KKTC, 24-26 April 2013.
- 22. S. Sahin, C. Guzelis, Y. Isler, and O. Ekren,
Değişken Hızlı Soğutma Sistemleri için Gerçek-Zaman Benzetimci Uygulamaları (Applications of Real-Time Simulator for Variable Speed Refrigeration Systems),
7th National Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (ELECO2012), Bursa / Turkey, 29 November-1 December 2012.
- 21. Y. Isler and Y.O. Uzun,
Yeni Bir Odyometri Cihazı Tasarımı (A New Audiometer Device Desing),
7th National Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (ELECO2012), Bursa / Turkey, 29 November-1 December 2012.
- 20. A. Narin and Y. Isler,
Konjestif Kalp Yetmezliği Hastalarının Kalp Hızı Verileri Kullanılarak Teşhisi Üzerine Temel Bileşen Analizi Etkisi (Effect of Principal Component Analysis on Diagnosing Congestive Heart Failure Patients using Heart Rate Records),
IEEE 20th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU2012), Fethiye / Mugla / Turkey, 18-20 April 2012.
- 19. Y. Isler, M. Kuntalp, and G. Gonel,
Mikrodenetleyici Tabanlı Hodgkin-Huxley Model Nöron Benzetimi (Microcontroller Based Hondgkin-Huxley Model Neuron Simulation),
XV. Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı BIYOMUT 2009, Izmir / Turkey, 20-22 May 2009.
- 18. Y. Isler and M. Kuntalp,
EKG İşaretlerinden Elde Edilen Poincare Ölçümleri Kullanılarak Konjestif Kalp Yetmezliği Hastalarınınn Teşhisi (Diagnosis of Congestive Heart Failure Patients using Poincare Measures Derived from ECG Signals),
XV. Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı BIYOMUT 2009, 267-270, Izmir / Tukrkey, 20-22 May 2009.
- 17. Y. Isler, S. Ozyurek, O. Cobanoglu, and M. Kuntalp,
QRS Tespit Algoritmalarında Kullanılan Süzgeçlerin Kesim Frekanslarının Algoritma Başarımına Etkisi (The Performance Effects of the Cut-Off Frequencies of the Filters Used In QRS Detection Algorithms),
XIV.Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı BIYOMUT 2008, 287-289, Ankara / Turkey, 29-31 May 2008.
- 16. Y. Isler and M. Kuntalp,
Smoothness Priors Eğilim Yoketme Yöntemiyle EKG Taban Çizgisi Gezinmesinin Yokedilmesi (ECG Baseline Wander Elimination using Smoothness Priors based Detrending Method),
XIV.Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı BIYOMUT 2008, 163-165, Ankara / Turkey, 29-31 May 2008.
- 15. Y. Isler, N. Avcu, A. Kocaoglu, and M. Kuntalp,
Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği Analizi Frekans Alanı Ölçümlerinde Kullanılan Yöntemlerin Etkilerinin Araştırılması (Investigating the Effects of the Methods Used in Frequency Domain Measures in Heart Rate Variability Analysis),
IEEE 16th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU2008), Didim / Aydin / Turkey, 20-22 April 2008.
- 14. M.B. Selek, Y. Isler, and M. Colak,
Fotovoltaik Sistemlerin İzlenmesi ve Kontrol Edilmesi İçin Yeni Bir Yazılım (A New Software For Monitoring and Controlling Photovoltaic Systems),
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi 15. Yıl Mühendislik Mimarlık Sempozyumu, vol. 2, 100-105, Isparta / Turkey, 14-16 November 2007.
- 13. M.B. Selek, Y. Isler, and M. Colak,
Fotovoltaik Sistemler İçin Mikrodenetleyicili Yeni Bir Kontrol Kartı Tasarımı (A New Control Circuit Design Based On Microcontroller For Photovoltaic Systems),
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi 15. Yıl Mühendislik Mimarlık Sempozyumu, vol. 2, 92-99, Isparta / Turkey, 14-16 November 2007.
- 12. M.B. Selek, Y. Isler, and M. Colak,
Şebekeye Bağlı Bir Fotovoltaik Enerji Sisteminin Benzetimi (Simulation Of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Energy System),
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi 15. Yıl Mühendislik Mimarlık Sempozyumu, vol. 2, 114-120, Isparta / Turkey, 14-16 November 2007.
- 11. Y. Isler and M. Kuntalp,
Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği Analizinde Ayrıntılı Dalgacık Entropisi Ölçümlerinin Etkilerinin Araştırılması (Investigating Effects of Wavelet Entropy Detailed Measures in Heart Rate Variability Analysis),
IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU2007), Eskisehir / Turkey, 11-13 June 2007.
- 10. Y. Isler and M. Kuntalp,
Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği Analizinde Yeni Bir Öznitelik Olarak Özbağlanımlı Model Son Kestirim Hatası (Final Prediction Error of Autoregressive Model as a New Feature in the Analysis of Heart Rate Variability),
IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU2007), Eskisehir / Turkey, 11-13 June 2007.
- 9. Y. Kutlu, Y. Isler, D. Kuntalp, and M. Kuntalp,
Çok Katmanlı Ağ Yapıları Kullanılarak Diken Dalgaların Algılanması (Detection of Spikes with Multiple Layer Perceptron Network Structures),
IEEE 14th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU2006), 95, Antalya / Turkey, 17-19 April 2006. PDF.
- 8. Y. Isler and M. Kuntalp,
Konjestif Kalp Yetmezliği Teşhisi İçin Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği Analizinde Dalgacık Entropisinin Etkisi (Investigating the Effects of Wavelet Entropy in Heart Rate Variability Analysis for Diagnosing of Congestive Heart Failure),
IEEE 14th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU2006), 38, Antalya / Turkey, 17-19 April 2006.
- 7. M.U. Torun, Y. Isler, D. Kuntalp, and M. Kuntalp,
Dal Bloğu Vuruların Yüksek Mertebeden İzgel Çözümleme ve Yapay Sinir Ağları ile Sınıflandırılması (Classification of Branch Block Beats using Higher Order Spectral Analysis and Neural Networks),
IEEE 14th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU2006), 29, Antalya / Turkey, 17-19 April 2006.
- 6. Y. Isler, M.A. Selver, and M. Kuntalp,
Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği Analizinde Eğilim Yoketmenin Etkileri (Effects of Detrending in Heart Rate Varibility Analysis),
II. Mühendislik Bilimleri Genç Araştırmacılar Kongresi MBGAK'2005, 213-219, Istanbul / Turkey, 17-19 October 2005.
- 5. Y. Isler, M.A. Selver, and M. Kuntalp,
Biyomedikal Laboratuarı Kurulumu (Installation of Biomedical Laboratory),
XI.Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı BIYOMUT 2005, 293-295, Istanbul / Turkey, 25-27 May 2005.
- 4. Y. Isler, N.H. Ekmekci, and M. Ozer,
Pasif Dendrit Elektriksel Özelliklerinin Benzetimi İçin Kablo Kuramına Dayalı bir Bilgisayar Yazılımı,
X.Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı BIYOMUT 2004, 128-132, Istanbul / Turkey, 27-29 May 2004.
- 3. I. Turker, Y. Isler, N.H. Ekmekci, and M. Ozer,
Hodgkin-Huxley Nöron Modelinin Benzetimi İçin bir Bilgisayar Yazılımı,
X.Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı BIYOMUT 2004, 124-127, Istanbul / Turkey, 27-29 May 2004.
- 2. M. Ozer and Y. Isler,
Nöronların Tek-Bölmeli Modelinin Simülasyonu İçin bir Bilgisayar Yazılımı,
IX.Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı BIYOMUT 2003, 47-52, Istanbul / Turkey, 28-29 May 2003.
- 1. M. Ozer and Y. Isler,
Nöronların Simülasyonu İçin Yeni Bir Bilgisayar Yazılımı,
Mühendislik Bilimleri Genç Araştırmacılar I. Kongresi MBGAK'03 , Cilt I, 133-142, Istanbul, 17-20 February 2003.