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Competence of Associate Professorship, Turkish Interuniversity Council (September 18, 2019)
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Associate of Arts (AA), Anadolu University (2024 - cont'd)
The Faculty of Open Education,
Department of Sports Management.
Master of Science (MSc), Iskenderun Technical University (2022 - cont'd)
The Institute of Graduate Studies,
Department of Computer Engineering.
- Thesis : Investigation of Machine Learning Methods to Detect the Absence of Queen Bee in the Hive (Arı Kovanında Kraliçe Arının Yokluğunun Tespit Edilmesinde Makine Öğrenmesi Yöntemlerinin Araştırılması)
Associate of Science (AS), Ataturk University (2020 - 2022)
The Faculty of Open Education,
Department of Computer Programming.
Associate of Arts (AA), Anadolu University (2017 - 2019)
The Faculty of Open Education,
Department of Tourism and Hotel Administration.
Philosophy of Doctorate (PhD), Dokuz Eylul University (2003 - 2009)
The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Master of Science (MSc), Suleyman Demirel University (1994 - 1996)
The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Department of Electronic Communication Engineering.
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Anadolu University (1988 - 1993)
Engineering Faculty,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
- Thesis : PLC Software Package for PCs
(PC Bilgisayarlarında PLC Simülatörü)
Sakarya University (16.09.2022 - 15.10.2022 - Sakarya / Turkey)
- Certificate: Training of Trainers
TCESIS (Turkish Medical Device Training System) (22.04.2021 - 05.05.2021 - Ankara / Turkey)
- Certificate #1: Training on Clinical Support Staff
- Certificate #2: Training on Sales and Promotion Officer
- Certificate #3: Training on Responsible Manager
Dokuz Eylul University, School Of Foreign Languages (2003 - 2004 - Izmir / Turkey)
English Preparation School
- Certificate: Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, Writing, Speaking.
AKSER Computer Course (2000 - Izmir / Turkey)
Advanced Programming Techniques
- Visual Basic, SQL, ADO and ActiveReports.
AKBIM Computer Course (1989 - 1990 - Eskisehir / Turkey)
Computer Programming Course
- Basic, Pascal, Dbase IV and Cobol.
- 5. Izmir Katip Celebi University, Engineering and Architecture Faculty,
Scientific Honor during the academic year of 2016-2017
(2016-2017 akademik yılı Bilimsel Ödül Belgesi),
- 4. Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Engineering Faculty,
Having the Most Number of SCI Papers Honor in Engineering Faculty during the academic year of 2010-2011
(Muhendislik Fakultesi 2010-2011 egitim yili Yayin Odulu),
- 3. Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Engineering Faculty,
Having the Most Number of SCI Papers Honor in Engineering Faculty during the academic year of 2009-2010
(Muhendislik Fakultesi 2009-2010 egitim yili Yayin Odulu),
- 2. Dokuz Eylul University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Publication Honor (Yayin Onur Belgesi),
- 1. Dokuz Eylul University, Engineering Faculty,
Having the Most Number of SCI Papers Honor among Research Assistants in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering during the years of 2003-2008
(Elektrik - Elektronik Muhendisligi Bolumu 2003-2008 yillari arasinda SCI kapsaminda en cok yayin yapan arastirma gorevlisi tesekkur belgesi),