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BME206: Electronic Circuits

Answers to
the most stupid questions:
  • Yes, all contents before the mid-term exam are INCLUDED in the mid-term exam.
  • Yes, all contents are INCLUDED in the final exam.
  • Yes, you MUST COMPLETE all homeworks and lab sessions succesfully; otherwise, you have to attend the class by the next year again.
  • No, you can use your medical report to pretend to join the excuse exam only, not for attendance obligatory.
  • No, I will not give you extra points. You should study more if you may need 1 point more even!
  • Bryan H. Suits, "Electronics for Physicists", Springer, 2020
Reference Texts
  • H. Demirel, "Elektronik Devre Elemanlari ve Elektronik Devreler", 2010
  • R. Boylestadt and L. Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory"
  • Internet
Grading Midterm (40%), and Final (60%)
Week Subjects Files
#1 Introduction
#2 Basic Concepts
#3 Circuit Theory 1 (revisited)
#4 Circuit Theory 2 (revisited)
#5 BJT Applications
#6 BJT Applications
#7 FET & Thyristors & Power Supply
#8 Examples (1)
#9 Examples (2)
Mid-Term Exam
#10 Operational Amplifiers 1
#11 OP-AMP Applications 2
  • Analog Calculator
  • PID Controller
  • Negative Resistor
#12 OP-AMP Applications 3
  • Constant Current Source
  • Peak Follower, Level Detector, Oscillators, PLL
#13 Instrumentation Amplifier Applications 1
  • Practical ECG Circuit Design
  • Practical EMG Circuit Design
  • Practical EEG Circuit Design
#14 Instrumentation Amplifier Applications 2
  • Practical EOG Circuit Design
  • Practical EDA Circuit Design
  • Question & Answer Session
Files & Resources