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Books or Book Chapters
- 4. E. Sayilgan, Y.K. Yuce, and Y. Isler,
Chapter XX: Evaluating steady-state visually evoked potentials-based brain-computer interface system using Wavelet features and various machine learning methods,
book chapter in Brain-Computer Interface,
edited by V. Asadpour, ISBN: 978-1-83962-529-9, InTech OpenAccess Publisher, 2021. DOI.
- 3. Y. Isler, A. Narin, and M. Ozer,
Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği Analizi ile Paroksismal Atriyal Fibrilasyonun Oluşum Zamanı Kestirimi,
book chapter in Biyomedikal Mühendisliği ve Uygulamaları,
ISBN: 978-605-01-322-9, EMO, 269-291, 2019.
- 2. O. Ekren, S. Sahin, and Y. Isler,
Chapter 11: Operation of Compressor and Electronic Expansion Valve via Different Controllers,
book chapter in Fuzzy Logic - Controls, Concepts, Theories and Applications,
edited by E.P. Dadios, ISBN: 978-953-51-0396-7, InTech OpenAccess Publisher, 2012.
- 1. S. Sahin, Y. Isler, and C. Guzelis,
Chapter 19: A Real Time Simulation Platform for Controller Design, Test and Redesign,
book chapter in Real-time Simulation Technologies: Principles, Methodologies, and Applications,
ISBN: 978-1439846650, edited by K. Popovici and P.J. Mosterman, CRC Press, 461-499, 2012.